Some of what we've learned on wine marketing

Last month, Paul Wagner, president of Balzac Communications, delivered  our members a masterful webinar on WINE MARKETING. And you do not have to be a winemaker to enjoy it and learn from it!

As always, the video recording of this past webinar is available for members to replay on-demand.

This webinar focused on “What the US wine market really is, what it really wants…”

It was followed by a second webinar,  this time giving solutions to the marketing problems he presented last month!

For those who’ve missed his first presentation, here is a condensed version:

Issue 1: The US wine market today

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Issue 2: The US is not ONE market

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Issue 3: The market is saturated

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Paul started with how to market your wine to the Trade:

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To watch the entire recording and learn "how to market your wine to consumers", join the Wine Scholar Guild

To watch excerpts of Paul's second webinar, visit:

As always, the video recording of this past webinar is available for members to replay on-demand.

This webinar focused on “What the US wine market really is, what it really wants…”.

This Friday at 8:00 pm EST Paul will present a second webinar, this time giving his creative answers to the fascinating diagnosis he laid out last month!

If you are still not a member of the FWS, stop thinking about it and JOIN TODAY.

These 2 webinars alone, out of the 24 you can attend as a member over the course of a year, would probably make you feel your membership dues were well spent!

For those who’ve missed his first presentation, here is a condensed version of Paul’s Wine Marketing Webinar – Part 1:

Issue 1: The US wine market today:

  • It is now the largest wine market in the world!
  • Millenials drive the growth.
  • There are 70 million millenials today. 20 millions are about to turn 21.
  • Imagine the potential for wine consumption!

BUT, they are totally different from past generations.

Do you want to learn more?


Issue 2: The US is not ONE market

  • Consumers can be classified in 6 groups.
  • They all have specific needs and need to be addressed differently.

Learn about what each category want to know about wine!


Issue 3: The market is saturated

  • There are 60.000 wines in the US Market
  • In many states there are only 2 or 3 major distributors
  • The Three Tier System is a broken telephone
  • Today, most distributors have become fulfillment houses, not brand builders.

If you want to sell wine, if you want to build a brand… DO IT YOURSELF

Start learning how…


Julien Camus

Founder & President @ Wine Scholar Guild

Julien worked as Trade Attaché for wines and spirits at the French Embassy in Washington DC (2004-2006). In this role, he recognized the need for French wine education as a means to spur consumer demand and interest in his country’s wines.

To that end, he founded the Wine Scholar Guild in August of 2005,an organization dedicated to the promotion of French wine and culture through education. Julien invited national importers of French wine to join the organization as Industry Members and 25 key French wine importers did so immediately.

After leaving the embassy, he has devoted his energies to developing the Wine Scholar Guild and its network of program providers around the globe. Julien holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration with a major in International Marketing from the Strasbourg Management School.

In 2019, Julien was one of the "Future 50" award winners, an award created by WSET and IWSC to acknowledge professionals under 40 who have made a significant contribution to the industry.

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