- Alsace In progress
- Beaujolais In progress
- Bordeaux Complete
- Bourgogne In progress
- Champagne In progress
- Corsica In progress
- Jura In progress
- Languedoc In progress
- Loire Valley In progress
- Provence In progress
- Rhône Valley In progress
- Roussillon In progress
- Savoie In progress
- South-West In progress
- Abruzzo In progress
- Alto Adige - Südtirol In progress
- Basilicata In progress
- Calabria In progress
- Campania In progress
- Emilia-Romagna In progress
- Friuli-Venezia Giulia In progress
- Lazio In progress
- Liguria In progress
- Lombardia In progress
- Marche In progress
- Molise In progress
- Piemonte In progress
- Puglia In progress
- Sardegna In progress
- Sicily In progress
- Trentino In progress
- Tuscany In progress
- Umbria In progress
- Valle d'Aosta In progress
- Veneto In progress
- Andalucía In progress
- Aragón In progress
- Castilla y León In progress
- Castilla-La Mancha In progress
- Cataluña In progress
- Extremadura In progress
- Galicia Complete
- Las Islas Baleares In progress
- Las Islas Canarias In progress
- Madrid In progress
- Murcia In progress
- Navarra In progress
- País Vasco In progress
- Rioja In progress
- Valencia In progress
Producer Guide
Welcome to Producer Guide, your exclusive resource for in-depth information about top wine producers from France, Spain and Italy. Curated by Wine Scholar Guild, this guide offers expert insights into leading winemakers from these iconic regions.
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14 regions
Two things distinguish France from its wine-producing neighbours. The first is that it is the only major nation to combine northerly, cool-climate vineyard sites with southerly, Mediterranean ones. And the second is its topographical diversity, with three mountain massifs and five significant river basins sculpting its landmass. The result is a disparate and deeply characterful cluster of vineyard regions, giving rise to a wine culture of unrivalled finesse. In no other country on earth is wine taken so seriously and thought-about so deeply, by wine creators and wine drinkers alike.

21 regions
Wine is everywhere in Italy – yet the country was only unified between 1861 and 1871, and remains a nation of deeply rooted regional traditions. The result? Perhaps the most complex wine culture in the world, and one whose differences seem inexhaustible: in Italy, there is always more to learn, to discover, to delight in. Those who make Italian wine often work in obscurity, modestly following the traditions of their mothers and fathers, yet the results astonish by their originality as well as their beauty and gastronomic aptitude.

15 regions
The light and warmth of Spain have long been popular with the world’s wine drinkers, as have its remarkable historical specialities. Recent years, though, have brought a new depth and richness to its offer, as the intricacies of previously neglected regions around its Atlantic margins, as well as in its mountainous interior, become apparent to the wine world. Many of those familiar historical specialities, meanwhile, are undergoing a period of reinvention: Spain is on the move.