Italian Wine Scholar Unit 1 Online - Independent Study Format

4.69149 5 94 Product

The package includes:

The Italian Wine Scholar Unit 1 Study Manual, access to the Unit 1 Online Study Program, registration for the Online Exam sit for Unit 1.

Detail of the package:

Italian Wine Scholar Unit 1 Study Manual

  • A 312-page, full-color study manual on the wines of Northern Italy
  • The most current and comprehensive resource on the wines of Northern Italy
  • Manual doubles as a reference book for wine professionals

One-year access to the Italian Wine Scholar Unit 1 Online Study Program

Wine Scholar Guild offers an interactive professional development program that is put into a measurable, meaningful format designed for maximum retention of content and ease of use.

Program's features and benefits:

  • Students study all the wine regions of Northern Italy online... at their own pace!
  • Study materials are available 24/7 and registration is for one full year. Access may be extended another year for a fee should students need or want to do so.
  • Interactive e-learning modules with loads of illustrations, quizzes and learning games
  • Final review quizzes for self-evaluation on each region
  • Instructor Q&A forum for assistance as well as Student Community forums
  • Downloadable maps

Registration for the IWS Unit 1 online exam-sit

  • The exam is composed of 100 multiple-choice questions and must be completed in 60 minutes.
  • To become an Italian Wine Scholar and receive the IWS credential candidates need to pass the exams for Unit 1 and Unit 2 with a composite score of 75%
  • The scores from both exams are added together and averaged for final assessment.
  • Students with a composite score of 85-90.5 pass with HONORS. Candidates scoring 91-100 pass with HIGHEST HONORS.
  • Online exam candidates must have a computer (tablet not compatible), a good internet connection, a webcam and a microphone with speakers for proctoring purposes.
  • Candidate has one year from registration date to take the exam.
Customer Reviews
5 1 4
Jun 6, 2022
The materials are very easy to use and understand.
5 1 5
May 20, 2022
Wasatch Academy of Wine always executes and excellent program. Sheral Schowe has complete control of an excellent wine cellar for wines of the program, and has visited, and has a personal relationship, with many of the wineries, producers, winemakers and owners. Dr. Sue Geary, an educator, did an amazing job of presenting and controlling the class. She is extremely organized and generous with her personal and very complete study materials. She made my learning journey a joy!
5 1 5
Apr 27, 2022
I can highly recommend WSG's Italian Wine Scholar program both Units 1 and 2 to anyone looking for a deep-dive exploration into the world of Italian Wine. It certainly opened my eyes to a world I was previously, mostly unfamiliar with and is I'm sure just the beginning of a lifelong journey.
5 1 5
Apr 15, 2022
Extremely interesting overview of N-Italian wines, very comprehensive with as usual for WSG courses: a deep dive into regional history and wine culture.
5 1 5
Mar 19, 2022
The IWS unit 1 is the best program to know about your northern italian wines. Every DOCG/DOC is so well explained with detailed maps it just makes it very interesting to read about every particular region. It’s going to be a great help for me to prepare for my Advanced Sommelier Certification.
5 1 5
Mar 10, 2022
A comprehensive review of the wines of Northern Italy presented in a clear manner.
5 1 5
Mar 8, 2022
The study material was very helpful. It is well structured and well written.
The Online platform was also very good. It was easy to navigate and supporting my learning process well.
I look forward continuing my learning journey wit IWS unit 2!
5 1 4
Feb 7, 2022
The Italian Wine Scholar course is extremely thorough and informative. This course provided the greatest amount of Italian Wine knowledge I have been presented.
5 1 5
Jan 12, 2022
The program laid out tons of useful information in a clear, understandable form. Italian wine is a world without end, and WSG managed to get just enough important details. I use the textbook for my work on a daily basis. I think it's a must-have for anyone dealing with Italian wine.
5 1 5
Jan 3, 2022
I was really surprised about the precision and accuracy of the book, even more complete of the offcial Italian Sommelier Diploma
5 1 5
Dec 23, 2021
I work as a professor in the field of wine and I try to specialize as much as possible to bring reliable information to my students, and the programs at WSG are really fantastic and very comprehensive. They are extremely valuable for my learning and the development of my work. Congratulations to the institution for providing us with such a high level study!
5 1 5
Dec 22, 2021
The knowledge on each wine region is well covered and organized: from history to current 'wine in the bottle'. It gives students an understanding of not only the present but more importantly on what happened (be it in history, geography, viticultural practices and major events) which have led to the state of wine production and wine we see today in various parts of Italy. This course adds depth when one seeks to understand and appreciate Italian wines.
5 1 5
Dec 15, 2021
IWS is the deepest, most comprehensive and richest Italian wine study program I have ever seen in my life. I can't wait to start studying Unit 2!
5 1 4
Nov 11, 2021
Another great source of wine education.
Always learn new things and combination online materials and manual are excellent.
5 1 5
Nov 1, 2021
The Wine Scholar Guild gives you a very deep knowledge about the Wine culture in Italy and explains you smoothly the geography and the history of each region, giving you a deeper understanding about the viticulture and they way Italians approach to wine.
For me was extremely satisfactory to feel that I did a challenging course that will make me more competitive and give me the tools to explain and understand the territory; Have a larger vision of Italian wines, read the labels and know where does they belong and what to expect from them.
5 1 5
Oct 20, 2021
Initially, I found the course daunting, but after breaking it down into small parts and sections, I realized how well written and consistently structured the regional learning material was being presented. The various facts and sidebars in each chapter made the book much more engaging than if it had been a textbook stocked with dry instruction and figures to memorize on my own. The ability to share my experience with the connected social media groups provided much needed reassurance and helped bring clarity wheare it was needed. The WSG family is truly a dedicated community of supportive people. Having taken the IWS Unit 1 exam just a few days ago, I’m still waiting for my results, but I’m confident I did well and am very much enjoying the knowledge I gained during my studies. Unit 2, I’m looking for to meeting you.
Thank you, Wine Scholar Guild.
My very best to all who take this course,
Johnny Cataneo
5 1 5
Oct 15, 2021
The WSG is very good study program, I did FWS and SWS and I look forward to continuie the rest of the units. Thank you very much for beeing part of this educational program.
5 1 5
Sep 2, 2021
The Unit 1 IWS was lots of fun! If you think you know about northern Italian wine, you definitely need to take this course, it'll open your mind! Looking forward to taking Unit 2!
5 1 5
Jul 24, 2021
I really enjoyed this program, after WSET-3. It really adds value. The study manual is superb!
5 1 4
Jul 1, 2021
The IWS North study manual is an excellent resource; thorough, succinct and comprehendible.

The online modules provided a much needed area for review, complete with flash cards and quizzes.

The information provided in regard to how the exam is weighted, along with clear emphasis on the most important information to study was very helpful.

5 1 4
Jun 23, 2021
The Italian Wine Scholar material is outstanding both in breadth and depth. While not everything we needed to memorize is of use, most of the material gives us a deep understanding of the wine scene within a cultural/political/geographical context.
5 1 4
Jun 12, 2021
This was a concise, yet approachable set of materials for deepening and extending my knowledge of Italian wines. I can’t wait for Unit 2!
5 1 5
May 31, 2021
The IWS program provides a fantastic dive into Italian wines, the history of Italy and how it has influenced cultural and viticultural development across many diverse subregions. It is a great "next step" for any wine professional or an enthusiast who has completed a basic wine program and wants to move on into an in-depth study of Italian wines.
5 1 4
May 28, 2021
Overall, I am very satisfied with the IWS programme
5 1 5
May 24, 2021
The Italian Wine Scholar is very educational, yet extremely entertaining. It truly helps me to prepare for other future wine certifications. For instance, WSET Diploma in Wines.
5 1 5
May 22, 2021
Very detailed and well-structured study program! It's now easier to connect the dots and master the Italian wine appellations. Looking forward to Unit 2!
5 1 5
May 4, 2021
Very comprehensive, complete and specific program which takes our knowledge to a higher level. Concise book and website for optimal learning.
5 1 5
Apr 23, 2021
Italian Wine Scholar is a fantastic study resource for students and professionals to gain deeper knowledge or to review the multifaceted wine regions and styles of Italy. IWS presents a holistic framework including history and culture to help bring the wines and their regulations into context. I highly recommend IWS to anyone wishing to solidify their knowledge of Italian wines.
- Susan R Lin MW
5 1 4
Mar 13, 2021
The Wine Scholars material for learning is second to none. It offers in-depth learning in a very user friendly package.
5 1 4
Feb 3, 2021
Italy is a confusing and complex area to study. For advanced students of wine, this is a deeply rewarding and surprising program to take!
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