
Regenerative Viticulture

An Introduction to Regenerative Viticulture

Summary: Regenerative agriculture is a conservation and rehabilitation approach to food and farming systems. It focuses on strengthening the health and vitality of farm soil, increasing biodiversity above and below ground, improving the water cycle, enhancing ecosystem services, supporting carbon sequestration, and increasing resilience to climate change. Regenerative viticulture is farming vineyards based on the understanding that the health and

Beyond the Basics: Acidity in Wine with Olivier Humbrecht, MW

Summary: Join vigneron Olivier Humbrecht MW, of the famed estate Zind Humbrecht in Alsace, for a deep dive into one of the key building blocks of wine: acidity! In this WSG Live, you will learn about: The different types of acids found in grapes and wine and their sensory perception How to not only quantify but qualify acidity in wine The viticultural factors influencing

Climate, Grapes and Wine: Sustainability in a Variable and Changing Climate with Greg Jones, PhD

Summary:  Climate is a pervasive factor in the success of all agricultural systems, influencing whether a crop is suitable to a given region, largely controlling crop production and quality, and ultimately driving economic sustainability. Climate’s influence on agribusiness is never more evident than with viticulture and wine production where climate is arguably the most critical aspect in ripening fruit to optimum characteristics to produce a given

From the Ground Up: Grapevine Anatomy 101 with Nova Cadamatre MW

Summary:  In this webinar, Nova Cadamatre, MW and winemaker, will deliver a grapevine anatomy lesson and discuss how growing conditions impact the vine. If you ever wished you knew a little more about how heat, wind, drought, rain, and cloud cover impact photosynthesis, why hot vintages produce “green” wines, and what it takes to make a good vintage…this “bud” is for you. WSG launches “Vine to Wine,” an exciting,

From the Ground Up: Grapevine Anatomy 101 with Nova Cadamatre MW

Summary:  In this WSG Live, Nova Cadamatre, MW and winemaker, will deliver a grapevine anatomy lesson and discuss how growing conditions impact the vine. If you ever wished you knew a little more about how heat, wind, drought, rain, and cloud cover impact photosynthesis, why hot vintages produce “green” wines, and what it takes to make a good vintage…this “bud” is for you. Presenter: Nova Cadamatre Nova Cadamatre is a winemaker, writer, and blogger. As one of the

Heroic Viticulture: Europe's Most Dramatic Vineyards with Tanya Morning Star

Summary:  In this WSG Live, we will explore the great wines of Europe crafted in some of the most intense situations. Appellations such as: Valtellina, the Mosel, the Cinque Terre, Lanzarote, and more! Join us to explore the magical house of cards which allows these wines to exist under such extreme circumstances: terroir conditions, human ingenuity and passion. Discover the serendipity

Hybrids or PIWIs – the future of wine? with Simon J. Woolf

Summary: Have you ever tasted a Souvignier Gris, a Solaris or a Bronner? What about Regent, Cabernet Cortis or Rösler? These are just some of the disease-resistant varieties that have been bred over the last few decades from complex crossings of vitis vinifera cultivars with American sub-species such as vitis labrusca, vitis riparia or vitis rupestris. What started as a crude exercise in creating new plant material in the wake of the turn-of-the-century phylloxera

Introduction to Geology, Soil, and Terroir with Brenna Quigley

Summary: This webinar will dig into the basics of rocks and soil, and their respective roles in defining a site’s terroir. This discussion will give you the terms, tools, and scientific foundation to discuss terroir like a pro. We will explore the different types of rocks, how they form, and in which wine regions across the globe you can expect to find them.

It's the Nitrogen, of course! The Backstory of Biodynamics with Romana Echensperger, MW

Summary: An understanding of what biodynamics is and why it has so many young followers today begins with a look at history and the question of why Rudolf Steiner's impulse came about in Germany, in 1924, during the interwar years. The questions that farmers asked themselves then are as relevant today as they were then and have a lot to do with the fertiliser issue. In this webinar, we will take a look at this history and what is modern about the 100 year old

Meeting of the Minds: Heroic Viticulture

Summary: No one who has visited the classical vineyards of the Mosel, the Douro or Cote Rotie will ever forget the often dizzying experience of their steep slopes and tiny terraces – but these astonishing sites are also workplaces, too.  What are these vineyards like to work?  How profitable are they?  Is the younger generation ‘heroic enough’ to follow their forbears up the steep paths?  Should there be a ‘heroic

Old Vines: The Preservation of Fire

Summary: We are delighted to be joined by three esteemed guardians of these incredible important pieces of living history from our specialist regions of France, Spain and Italy. Moderated by our Membership Manager Justin Martindale MW, this webinar will discuss the various factors involved in curating these unique vineyards, covering a broad range of topics, including: The relevance of low yielding vines The quality of the wines produced by old

Optimizing flavors and aromas in wine grapes: A case study of Riesling with Justine Vanden Heuvel

Summary:  Do you prefer Rieslings that are floral or fruity? Or do you appreciate an Old World style of Riesling with a petrol character?Regardless of your preference, the characteristics of the wines you enjoy come from the vineyard. Climate, site, and vineyard management practices directly impact the production of specific flavors and aromas in wine grapes. In this session you will learn how the unique Riesling qualities you value are produced in the vineyard and

Organic, Biodynamic and Reasoned Viticulture with Roger Bohmrich MW

Summary:  There is growing worldwide awareness of the need for sustainable viticultural practices. In France, the most widely accepted strategy is termed la lutte raisonnée, a flexible approach implying reduced use of chemicals, yet without specific criteria. Vineyards employing organic cultivation or la culture biologique are increasing yet remain limited as a share of the total. Growers who claim “bio” status on their labels are subject to official standards and certification.

Photosynthesis with Lisa Airey, CWE, FWS

Summary:  The basic principle is that of simple alchemy: the vine turns sunlight into wine. Yet there are a host of variables that impact the production of sugar in the leaf, the translocation of those sugars to the grape and the ripening of the fruit. Several key growing season variables impact sugar production. Learn how clouds, wind and temperature determine “just how sweet is all is”…in the end. Presenter: Lisa Airey Lisa M. Airey, FWS, CWE has

Pirates and Pyrazines with Lisa Airey, CWE, FWS

Summary: Ever wonder how those hints of green bean, bell pepper, jalapeño and celery stick got into the wine?It’s a fascinating story of insatiable, greedy-gut pirating, Mother Nature’s grand design for consummate fertility and the vigneron’s attempt to farm for flavor. Guess who wins? Presenter:  Lisa M. Airey, FWS, CWE has thirteen years of experience selling wine at the wholesale level and in training both the sales force and wait staff. She sat on the

Priorat Grape Vine Vulnerability in Front of Climate Change with Antoni Sánchez-Ortiz

Summary: Rick's Pick: University of Tarragona instructor and winemaker, Antoni Sanchez-Ortiz focuses on climate change and how viticulture must adapt in Spain’s DOQ Priorat region. The mesoclimate determines climatic differences due to the topography of the Priorat and that give rise to local modifications or changes that can affect to more or less ample extensions. Factors that

Producer Interview: Isabel Gassier on Regenerative Farming

Summary: We were delighted to be joined by Isabel Gassier, viticulturalist at Domaine Gassier in France's Costières de Nîmes, to discuss their conversion to Regenerative Viticulture. In November 2023, the estate became France's first regeneratively certified producer, and in this interview Isabel discusses the motivation and journey behind this move, as well as the practicalities and 'on-the-ground' challenges in utilising this farming method in Costières de Nîmes.  You

Soil and Wine: What do we really know with Roger Bohmrich MW

Summary: What is the relationship between soil properties and wine characteristics – cause and effect or cause of confusion? There is a broad divide separating scientists from traditional winegrowers. The vital facts concerning soil structure and chemistry are identified and compared to intuitive claims by vignerons. The seminar explores issues such as permeability and aeration and the critical question of water availability to the vine. Key elements including potassium, nitrogen

Soil Signatures Part I

Summary:  Welcome to the soil signatures course! This course is aimed at helping students understand the very tangible effect that different soil types can have on the flavours we encounter in the glass.

Sustainable Bordeaux with Romana Echensperger, MW

Summary: The city of Bordeaux has recently been governed by a green mayor, more than 14,000 hectares of vineyards are certified organic or are being converted, and biodynamics is experiencing great popularity.In the Gironde region, too, it has been realized, not least after various pesticide scandals, that neither people nor the environment can be poisoned for a luxury product like wine. In this webinar, we want to get to the bottom of the efforts for more

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