Guanyi Sun, FWS

  • The textbook will be a great reference for future study on French wines.
  • Vintage Winemaker, Pernod Ricard Winemakers
  • WSET Level 3
Guanyi Sun, FWS

Congratulations to Guanyi Sun, FWS, for passing the French Wine Scholar exam with highest honors!

About Guanyi:

I became passionate about wine after having worked a few years in the hospitality industry. I like that wine is a combination of science and art, so I wanted a career change. I went back to university again to study viticulture and oenology to become a winemaker.

I have passed WSET 3 and I am currently enrolled in the Master Level of Bourgogne. FWS has provided me with an in-depth knowledge for French regions and culture. It allows me to better appreciate terroir and will surely set a solid foundation for the future master level study.

The program has helped me to better associate the influence of terroir on wine quality which is very useful from a winemaker’s point of view. The textbook will be a great reference for future study on French wines.

Andrea Mcewan

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