Julieta Japiassú, FWS

  • The FWS program...made me understand how important it is to focus on details of each wine region, to comprehend not only the style of wine itself, but to immerse in new cultures and lifestyles.
  • Wine Enthusiast
  • WSET Levels 2 & 3, IWC (International Sommelier Guild)
Julieta Japiassú, FWS

Congratulations to Julieta Japiassú, FWS, for achieving highest honors in the French Wine Scholar exam with Enocultura. 

About Julieta:

I am a wine enthusiast with the following certifications:  the Intermediate Wine Certificate from the International Sommelier Guild; WSET Levels 2 and 3. 

The FWS program let the student go deeper in knowledge of the French regions, making it easy to understand wine differences and why that style of wine tastes that way.   

As I intend to enroll at Italian and Spanish wine programs, I’m sure that studying will be easier to handle and learning will be more effective.

The FWS program just got me deep inside the world of French wines, increasing my passion for it and made me understand how important it is to focus on details of each wine region to comprehend not only the style of wine itself, but to immerse in new cultures and lifestyles.

Andrea Mcewan

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