Glorious Galician Godellos


Godello is one of Galicia’s star white grapes. Prized for its elegance and versatility, you’ll mostly see single-varietal Godello wines from Valdeorras, Ribeira Sacra, and Monterrei. Godello wines are known for their luscious texture, vibrant acidity, and complex flavor profile, combining ripe orchard fruits, citrus, and wild herbs with vertical minerality. Equally capable of producing fresh, zippy styles or richer, oak- and lees-aged expressions, Godello beautifully captures the essence of Galician terroir.

Noah Chichester Noah Chichester

Noah Chichester is a wine writer, educator, and the founder of, the only English-language website dedicated to Galician wine.

After moving to Galicia in 2018, Noah became captivated by the...more

Editorial note

Noah is a leading expert in Galician wine and our consultant for the Galicia section of the WSG Producer Guide. You can check out Noah's full list of recommendations here, and WSG members can enjoy a series of great webinars and interviews with Noah by searching in WSG Studio

3 Save(s)
Jan 28, 2025
11 Wines
Rafael Palacios Sorte O Soro Val do Bibei
Telmo Rodriguez Gaba do Xil Blanco O Barreiro
Dominio do Bibei Lapola
Godeval Cepas Vellas Godello
A Coroa Godello
Albamar Ceibo Godello
Viña Somoza Neno Sobre Lias Godello
Guimaro Blanco
Alvaredos Hobbs Godello
Algueira Brandan
Abadia da Cova Loia

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