Kevin Day
Wine Education & Careers
Across the world, the coronavirus pandemic has temporarily closed classrooms and required students to learn their course material entirely from home. At the Wine Scholar Guild, many new enrollments have shifted to the online wine study option for the foreseeable future. In fact, many students now...
Andrew Jefford
Viticulture Insights
Read Academic Advisor Andrew Jefford’s Keynote Speech to the 2020 Vancouver International Wine Festival in this specially prepared written version for the Wine Scholar Guild blog. Andrew is happy to respond to any questions or comments you may have about this post. Use the "Comments" feature at...
Rick Fisher
Wine Education & Careers
Are you ready to dive into one of the world’s greatest wine-producing countries? If so, our next Spanish Wine Scholar Instructor-Led course is about to start, and we would love to have you join us! If you still aren’t sure, then take a look at these ten reasons why you should be studying Spanish...
Pierre Freyermuth
Wine Education & Careers
As part of a partnership between Wine Scholar Guild and Decanter, we are pleased to share with our readers this article pulled from Decanter Premium. WSG members enjoy a 20% discount on their Decanter Premium subscription! Get your coupon code HERE Over-zealous planting and heavy-handed use of oak...
Andrew Jefford
Wine Culture
This episode is Part 2 of a conversation with Olivier Humbrecht, MW and Andrew Jefford about Alsace. The first part covered Olivier's journey to become France's first Master of Wine, as well as the history and vineyards of Domaine Zind-Humbrecht. Part 2 picks up with Olivier's philosophy of...
Richard Baudains
Regional Spotlight
The story goes that a couple of years ago, at a high society charity event in Milan a noted British rock star was served a sparkling wine that impressed him so much that he asked to be introduced to its producer who happened to be present at the event, and to whom he is reported to have said “This...
Andrew Jefford
Wine Culture
This episode features a conversation with Andrew Jefford, of Decanter Magazine, and Wine Scholar Guild’s Academic Advisor, and Olivier Humbrecht, of Domaine Zind-Humbrecht (Zind HUMbrescht) and Master of Wine. Done in two parts, this first half of the interview will first cover Olivier’s...
Andrew Jefford
Tasting & Trends
As an accomplished wine writer — and now as the Wine Scholar Guild’s Academic Advisor — Andrew Jefford has decades of experience watching the French wine industry evolve. Here, he takes a look at the wine trends that are shaping the Champagne region, its landscape, its climate, the industry and...
Pierre Freyermuth
Latest News
Wine Scholar Guild is proud to honor those who set themselves apart by their extraordinary professional accomplishment in 2019. We take great pleasure in announcing the WSG Program Provider Awards, WSG Top Scorers Awards and WSG Master of Wine Candidate scholarships. WSG Program Provider Awards...
Julien Camus
Wine Culture
Katrin Naelapaa has been serving as Wines From Spain USA’s director since 2001. Born in Mexico City, and having studied in Madrid, Katrin was so deeply connected to the Spanish wine and food culture, she was fortunate to find a smooth transition to the wine world from her original career in...
Kirra Barnes
Viticulture Insights
There have been moments in my career as a professional winophile where I’ve realized I haven’t retained a bit of information that perhaps I should have learned in grade school had I been paying attention. Everyone needs a refresher once in a while and this series of blog posts aims to fill in...
Pierre Freyermuth
Latest News
Meet Reto Thörig and Juan Lo Bello from Wein-Werkstatt in Basel, first wine school to offer the French Wine Scholar® program in Switzerland! The first FWS sessions at Wein-Werkstatt are scheduled to begin March and June 2020, more information and registration HERE You state on your website that...
Andrew Jefford
Wine Education & Careers
There’s no wine region I enjoy visiting more than Alsace. It’s beautiful, of course – and not just the half-timbered houses around which a profusion of flowers seem to float, or the grand hillside vineyards romping up to the forested Vosges mountains, always somehow bigger and more imposing in...
Andrew Jefford
Tasting & Trends
After a generous 2018 French-wine harvest, nature has dialed back on its beneficence by around 12% in 2019: initial estimates put the crop at around 43.4 million hl compared to 49.4 m hl last year. That’s not disastrous, though, especially since clouds have been gathering over the export scene in...
Pierre Freyermuth
Latest News
The Wine Scholar Guild is proud to announce that Julien Camus, WSG President, has received a “Future 50” award! The Future 50 list, compiled by Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) and the International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC), recognizes 50 talented and enterprising professionals...
Julien Camus
Wine Culture
Timothy Magnus, of Magnus Vinum in Zurich, is a Bourgogne Wines Official Ambassador, a Weinakademiker, and holds the WSET Diploma in Wine & Spirits. He will be teaching the Wine Scholar Guild’s first ever Master-Level Intensive in Beaune in May 2020.
Pierre Freyermuth
Latest News
Meet Géraldine Gossot, Director of l'Université du Vin in Suze la Rousse, new French Wine Scholar® program provider in France! The first FWS session at l'Université du Vin is scheduled to begin December 2nd 2019, more information and registration HERE L'Université du Vin is one of the oldest wine...
Pierre Freyermuth
Latest News
WSG Academic Advisor Andrew Jefford was recently interviewed by Gavin Smith for the blog of wine merchant Fine+Rare. Words from Andrew on this thought-provoking interview: "I asked him to leave out the softballs, as 'polite' or 'respectful' interviews are tedious. He didn't actually lay into me...
Pierre Freyermuth
Latest News
The Wine Scholar Guild would like to announce that their own Tanya Morning Star (WSG program provider in the Seattle area through her school Cellar Muse) has embarked on an exciting project with the Consorzio of Orvieto DOC, with an aim to bring awareness to a historical wine region, it’s...
Tom Hyland
Wine Education & Careers
The wines of Valpolicella dance across the tongue with the same lift and loveliness as the name itself. Ideal with humble pastas as well as lighter red meats and game birds, it is well-suited to the table. As the more modest bottling of the Valpolicella region, it is largely (and unfairly)...