Bodega Ronsel do Sil

A Barxa, Sacardebois s/n, 32747, Ourense, España

Notable Producers
All - DO Ribeira Sacra
Madrid-born María José Yravedra began her career as an architect, but she was deeply involved in wine almost from birth. Her father, Gabriel Yravedra, was an internationally renowned enologist who helped write the legislation that laid out the modern Denominaciones de Origen in Spain. After completing degrees in architecture and winemaking, she bought property in Parada de Sil, located in the Ribeiras do Sil subzone of DO Ribeira Sacra. Drawing on her architectural knowledge, she designed a winery and named it Ronsel do Sil, after the wake (ronsel) left by passing boats on the river. Ronsel do Sil farms 10 hectares of vineyards, some of which they own and some of which are rented. María José makes entry-level whites and reds as well as single-varietal expressions of traditional grapes like Merenzao.
Flagship Wines
Bodegas Ronsel do Sil Vel'uveyra Mencía
Bodegas Ronsel do Sil Alpendre
Bodegas Ronsel do Sil Pórtico da Gloria
Bodegas Ronsel do Sil Ourive Dona Branca
Bodegas Ronsel do Sil Muller Cepa